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Marketing Solutions


Translation Services

Our translation service employs five full time translation project coordinators, each of whom is fluent in two or more languages, manage over 140 translators, editors, and typesetters. Active clients include Symetra Financial, Foremost Insurance, the California State Compensation Insurance Fund, Kaiser Permanente (California, Colorado, Georgia), the American Cancer Society (the Atlanta headquarters and several regional offices), Aon Hewitt, Mercer, BP, the Walt Disney Company, and many others. In the past year, they have translated over seven million words into almost every major language.

Our translation work is carried out following the ASTM Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation (F 2575-06). All of our translation work is insured by Lloyd’s of London, which underwrites professional liability insurance developed specifically for the translation industry. Although other insurance companies may underwrite professional liability insurance policies that include translation, they generally exclude bodily injury and property damage, which Lloyd’s covers.